
Best and Simple Herbal Tea Recipes to Try at Home

Apart from black tea and green tea, the mostly consumed beverage in the category of teas is Herbal Tea. Getting an idea from its name itself, herbal teas are made from the blends and infusions of different herbs and spices, namely ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and almonds, with a twist of sweetness in each sip. Herbal tea recipes are very simple to make and refreshing as it provides a soothing and calming effect on your mind and body.

If you want to blend your herbal tea in a different taste to satisfy your taste buds, then you have come exactly to the right page! Tea Swan offers you exclusive herbal teas just right at your doorstep. Make it to the end of the article to know about some relishing herbal tea recipes to try at home!

A Bit of History about Herbal Teas:

When we say “tea”, all the tea lovers can virtually feel their favourite tea’s essence, flavour, taste, the aroma while brewing it and the pleasant smile that comes after having its first sip! A special characteristic about tea lovers is their love to explore the different varieties of tea and know about their history, cultivation process, health benefits and all possible related things. 

Camellia Sinesis, the tea plant, has been cultivated for more than 5000 years in the Southeast Asia. Initially, herbal tea was used as a medicine around 2000 years ago. The European explorers brought the tea leaves in their country and since then, it is considered to be a staple in the Irish and British culture. Herbal tea is now widely consumed all over the world!

How to make your own Herbal Tea recipes

Herbal tea is often used as a contrast to other teas because of the ingredients present in it and their cultivation process. One major difference between herbal tea and other tea is that herbal teas are naturally caffeine-free.

Having blend the herbal teas in your own style to enjoy its essence and flavour, we are here to provide you with some popular herbal teas recipe

Herbal Iced Tea Recipes

The newest member in the family of tea, Iced Tea, is growing popularly among teenagers. Having a cool and refreshing beverage with the taste and flavour of your favourite tea and ice cubes and of course, health benefits, is no less than a paradise for the tea lovers out there!

For having the perfect iced herbal tea recipes, blend your favourite pick of Herbal tea and Ice tea from the Tea Swan to have the best results!

  • Take 1 tea spoon of herbal tea and 1 tea spoon of iced tea and mix them together.
  • Boil small amount of water.
  • Mix the tea leaves in the boiling water and let it steep for 3 minutes so that you get a strong brew with all the charismatic flavours and taste.
  • If you like your tea to be on a sweeter note, add sugar accordingly.
  • Let the mixture come to a boil.
  • Strain the tea leaves out of the boiling water and keep it aside.
  • Take a glass filled with ice cubes (according to the cold you want because we don’t want you to fall sick!)
  • Pour the brewed tea in the glass with ice.
  • Gently stir the mixture and enjoy your herbal iced tea!

Note: If you want a colder tea, DO NOT add cold water to the brewed tea as it can make the tea lose its taste. In that case, keep the tea in the fridge for the desired time.

The nutrition of both the herbal tea and the iced tea is found in your glass of tea, hence naming it to be our special Herbal Iced tea! It will have a taste that will please your soul and an aroma that will fill the air around you.

Herbal iced tea recipes are quick, easy and simple! It can be your saviour in the hot summer days when you are loaded with work and need a quick refreshing drink or it can be your best companion when you are alone, spending the evenings by the beautiful sunset with this glass of tea in your hand!

Herbal Tea Blend Recipes

Why to visit fancy cafes and restaurants to have your favourite cup of herbal tea blend when you can make the same at your home? Do not stress if you are unaware of the herbal tea blend recipes because here it is, for you!

  • Get hold of your pack of herbal tea and any tea that you want to blend it with, from the Tea Swan. (Preferably, for blending, black tea, Darjeeling tea or Assam tea will be the best suited!)
  • Boil water and add 1 tea spoon of each tea in it.
  • If you want it to have a sweet aftertaste, add sugar or honey accordingly.
  • Let the mixture come to a boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Steep the tea leaves properly and pour it in your cup.
  • Stir gently and enjoy your brewing hot cup of tea!

Note: Any herbal tea can be chosen for it because the ingredients make all the difference in the tea!

Your homemade herbal tea blend recipes are easier and a hassle-free one! Taking just 5 minutes from your busy schedule, this tea will be ready. It is one of the most made herbal tea recipes at home because of its amazing flavour and taste. Try it at your home today as we know, you will not be disappointed with the result that follows!

Herbal Tea Recipes for Weight Loss


There are plenty of problems in today’s world and losing weight is definitely one of them! In a world full of artificial weight loss procedures, we are happy to share our natural method of losing weight!

Apart from Green tea, Herbal tea is widely consumed for the sole purpose of losing weight. Weight loss does not mean you have to give up on your favourite tea drink! Herbal tea is one such tea that can be made as tasty and savouring as any other tea yet help you in losing weight.

Pick your favourite herbal tea from the Tea Swan and get ready to make the most simple herbal tea recipes for weight loss at your home!

  • Boil water.
  • Add 1 tea spoon of your picked herbal tea.
  • Add extra ingredients (if you want your tea to be super strong) like cinnamon, ginger, tulsi.
  • Let the mixture come to a boil.
  • Brew it for 3 minutes and then strain the tea leaves with the help of a strainer.
  • Pour it in your cup and enjoy your hot brewed tea!

Note: No special ingredients are needed in your tea for weight loss. Sugar or sweet substance in the tea should be avoided in order to lose weight.

Some popular picks from Tea Swan that can be used for your herbal tea recipes for weight loss are:

If you are dedicated for losing weight then do not worry! We are here to the rescue! These herbal teas are sure to help you in the process if you follow your exercise and dieting schedule properly. 

The herbal tea recipes mentioned are all easy to make (it is tried and tested by us!) yet relishing and savouring like any other tea! Herbal teas are not only good for your weight loss, but it also has a wide range of other health benefits that lets you have a fit and fine life! 

The earthy aroma, spicy taste that leaves a sweet aftertaste, the beautiful coloured brew and the variety of flavours are an edge for herbal tea than all other teas. Since it is purely caffeine free, it is best if consumed 4-5 cups of tea a day! Have it right in the morning with a hearty breakfast, in between your work to get the load out of their head and before you go to bed, ensuring a perfect sound sleep!

So, what are you waiting for? Turn in to the Tea Swan and pick your choice of herbal tea to make the best, charming herbal tea recipes just at your place- following simple steps!


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