The second most common question any tea lover comes across is- black tea or milk tea? The first question always being, “tea or coffee?” Black tea is a commonly loved tea, especially consumed by those who are into diet. A tea lover doing diet or prone to diseases like high sugar and high blood pressure, usually prefers black tea without sugar.
Black tea is a completely oxidised tea. It is much more oxidised than oolong tea and green tea, which makes black tea stronger than the other flavours of tea available. Though the name is ‘black tea’, the tea doesn’t appear to be black! After brewing the tea, it appears to have a faint red colour which shows that the tea leaves are properly processed.
The one thing we always have tea for is to be fresh and gain energy. The real question arises here is how much caffeine is in black tea. The answer is not totally a yes or a no!
What is caffeine?
Caffeine is a psychoactive drug that is naturally found in many plants including the tea plant, Camellia Sinensis. Since caffeine is naturally present in the tea-producing plant, most teas like black tea, green tea have caffeine in them. When compared to coffee, tea has much less caffeine content.
When we intake caffeine, it activates our brain and excites our mood which is why we feel a kick of energy when we consume a cup of tea or coffee for that matter. The caffeine content is dependant on a few factors like the amount of time you brew the tea for, how much tea leaves you to use, and also the area in which the tea plant is grown. Let’s find out how much caffeine does your cup of Black Tea has.
Black Tea And Caffeine
Can you picture your life without a cup of tea? It's difficult to think about, right? People across the world love drinking this beverage. But what is black tea exactly? Let's find out. Black tea, like other teas, comes from the Camellia sinensis plant and it's the most consumed type in the world.
The caffeine content in black tea is more than that in green tea but less than that of coffee. Black tea contains more caffeine because it's fully oxidized. This process removes some amino acids that may have kept some of the caffeine from coming out during fermentation. It also increases levels of antioxidants (good for your health!). Plus, black tea leaves are bigger so they are able to capture more caffeine.
How much caffeine in black tea? Let's Find
The amount of caffeine in a tea depends on the tea. The longer the tea is steeped in water, the more caffeine is present.
On an average, a loose black tea have 22-28 mg of caffeine per 1 gram of dried tea leaves. It means the caffeine strength in the black tea is moderate.
Sometimes a person drinks tea to get rid of their headache or to not feel drowsy anymore. In that case, one can always brew the tea for a little longer than usual to get the desired result.
However, it is suggested to steep black tea for around 3-5 minutes, if steeped more then most of the incredible benefits will be gone and the tea would release tannins.

How much caffeine in a cup of black tea?
If you are one of the person who drinks black tea occasionally because of any specific reason, then the caffeine intake will not affect you much. Caffeine in a cup of black tea is much less which is considered nil.
The effects of caffeine are adverse. It can have an impact on the person consuming it for a prolonged period. The possible effects of caffeine are-
- Feeling more alert and active
- Insomnia or lack of sleep
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Restlessness
Tea lovers carrying their own pack of tea while travelling is a common sight! During long journeys, people usually prefer tea bags than loose tea leaves as it has a greater possibility of losing its essence.
Do you wonder how much caffeine in black tea bag? The answer is here to clear all your confusions. A black tea bag consists of much lesser caffeine percentage as compared to the caffeine in black tea packs. This is because the tea bags are not brewed for a long time. It generally makes the tea taste bitter. Therefore, one can be rest assured of not dosing off while travelling or not going sleep deprived either. It is just the best suited for you- giving you energy at the same time relaxing you.
Without worrying at all, about how much caffeine is in a cup of black tea, purchase your pack of black tea soon from Tea Swan! It has the best flavour and taste and just right for a ‘black tea’ person!
High-Caffeine Black Teas:
- Assam: Assam black tea, known for its robust and malty flavor, is grown in the Assam region of India. It is generally high in caffeine content and is often used as a base for breakfast tea blends.
- Yunnan: Yunnan black tea originates from the Yunnan province in China. It is known for its golden buds and smooth, rich flavor. Yunnan black teas often have a relatively higher caffeine content.
- Keemun: Keemun black tea is a Chinese tea variety with a distinct floral aroma and a mellow flavor. It is considered a high-caffeine black tea and is commonly used in breakfast blends.
- Ceylon: Ceylon black tea is produced in Sri Lanka and comes in various grades and flavors. While the caffeine content can vary depending on the specific Ceylon tea, it generally falls on the higher end of the spectrum.
Low-Caffeine Black Teas:
- Darjeeling: Darjeeling black tea, often referred to as the "Champagne of teas," is grown in the Darjeeling region of India. It has a delicate and muscatel flavor profile and generally contains lower levels of caffeine compared to other black teas.
- Nepal Black Tea: Black teas from Nepal, such as those from the Jun Chiyabari and Kanchanjangha tea estates, are gaining popularity. These teas often have a smoother and lighter flavor profile with lower caffeine content.
- Nilgiri: Nilgiri black tea is grown in the Nilgiri mountains of Southern India. It tends to have a milder taste and is considered a lower-caffeine black tea compared to some other varieties.
- Bai Lin Gong Fu: Bai Lin Gong Fu, a Chinese black tea, is known for its sweet and fruity flavor. It generally has a lower caffeine content compared to some other high-caffeine black teas.
It's crucial to remember that within these categories, the amount of caffeine still varies depending on the type of tea, how it was grown, and how it was brewed. Additionally, brewing variables like steeping time and water temperature can impact how much caffeine is extracted from black tea.
Brewing of Black tea if you want no caffeine-
If you are into black tea every day, then it is necessary to take care of your caffeine intake. More of caffeine intake in the body can cause severe distress. So, what if there is a way to consume black tea as well as no caffeine?
Brew temperature |
90-95 degree (boiling water) |
Brew time |
1 minute (can be 10 seconds more or less) |
Amount of black tea |
Appropriate for a cup of tea |
Number of times in a day |
2 |
This provides a clear picture about not consuming caffeine in black tea but enjoying and savouring all the flavours of the tea itself!
Note: The time for brewing to be increased, if one wants a tea drink for driving away dizziness or during the work hours to remain active.
Is there more caffeine in black tea than green tea? Let’s find out!
It is a misconception that just because black tea appears to be black, it has more concentration of caffeine in it than green tea! A study revealed that there is no connection between the colour of a tea and its caffeine composition. In fact, green tea has one of the highest level of caffeine present in them.
Can one discard the caffeine in black tea?
This is a myth. Caffeine in black tea cannot be discarded. It is often said that if you steep the tea leaves in water once for 30 seconds and then brew it again in fresh boiling water, the steeped tea leaves will no longer have caffeine.
This is a misleading information on part of the consumers. Steeping the tea leaves for the second time discards all the nutrients and flavours present in it. The tea is then just a normal drink with no effect of refreshment in your body.
How much caffeine in a cup of black tea are you drinking?
There are several studies and researches on this but it is truly not possible to count the exact amount of caffeine in a cup of black tea.
Steeping and brewing are not the only factors on which the caffeine intake depends. It depends on several other factors including-
- The amount of tea leaves used for a cup of tea
- How long are the tea leaves plucked and stored
- The terrain in which the tea leaves are cultivated
- The process how the tea leaves are cultivated
Caffeine in a cup of black tea is around 10-50mg per 250ml cup, which is much lesser than coffee when compared with.
If you are a tea lover and cannot resist 6-7 cups of black tea in a day, then this piece of information can be a relief for you!
Black tea consumption of caffeine will not have adverse effects on your body and health, as proven by researches.
Therefore, without panicking and overthinking about the consumption of caffeine in black tea, RELAX! Have up to 10 cups a day and still you will not face any difficulties in your lifestyle.
Tea lovers are always very conscious about their health and hence, Black tea is just the one for you- without sugar and without caffeine!
Final Words
Tea is the world’s most consumed beverage, second only to water. Tea is a complicated drink with many variations and even more myths and legends. The mystery behind what goes into tea leaves might be part of what makes it so enticing to so many people. One type of tea that has been making headlines lately is black tea.
Black tea is made from the same plant as green and white teas, but it undergoes a different process before reaching our cup. When making black tea, the tea leaves are left to simmer in water for a short period of time. This process creates a strong, bitter, and full-bodied flavor. Black tea is often thought to be healthier than other types of tea because it contains less caffeine than coffee or cola drinks.
The caffeine levels in black tea depend on the type of black tea and how it’s brewed.