
Surprising Facts About The Relishing Best Oolong Tea

best oolong tea

While many people fight over which tea being the best- black tea or green tea, tea lovers laugh from a distance! The oolong tea is a must-try for everyone, irrespective of being a tea lover or not. The best oolong tea is not just a tea, but also a companion for the many tea lovers!

Oolong tea is a semi-oxidised tea from the plant Camellia Sinensis. Initially, oolong tea was named Black dragon tea because of the appearance of the tea leaves- dark, long and curly. It was when the loose tea came into the market that it got its name oolong tea. 

The best oolong tea goes through a long process before they are packed and sold in the markets, which makes them THE BEST! 

How is the best oolong tea prepared?

Oolong tea is made from the leaves, buds and stem of the tea plant. Black tea and green tea are the products of the same plant. However, the process oolong tea goes through is a bit different from the others. This is because of their unique flavour and aroma that is absent in any other tea.

the best oolong tea

Leaves withered in direct sunlight 🡪 shaking them gently 🡪 drying the leaves 🡪 oxidisation period 🡪 rolled properly 🡪 packed

The process of shaking the leaves and drying them are repeated several times to get the best oolong tea as a result. 

Some unique characteristics of oolong tea:

The oxidisation of the oolong tea is what makes all the difference. It is oxidised a bit less than black tea and a little more than green tea. Oxidisation is the process that turns the green tea leaves into a deep black colour.

The colour of the oolong tea may depend on several factors, including:

  • The terrain they are cultivated in
  • The climate and weather of the area
  • The process that is followed before packing the leaves

Oolong tea is known to be the partially fermented tea whereas black tea and green tea is known to be fully fermented and unfermented tea respectively. Therefore, the best oolong tea contains both the benefits of black tea and green tea. 

Unique to the other teas, the best oolong tea stands out because of its-

  • Healthy compounds that help the body soothe, calm down and lose weight
  • Aromatic essence that is not present in the other teas

Which oolong tea is best for weight loss?

Tea lovers and oolong tea drinkers, there is a surprise for you! You don’t have to give up on your favourite drink to lose some weight. Yes, you got it right! 

The best oolong tea for weight loss is Darjeeling tea from the Tea Swan. It is a high quality oolong tea. However, Assam oolong tea is also proved to be a success in this field!

In a debate between which tea is better than weight loss- green tea or oolong tea, it is a clear win situation for oolong tea! This is because oolong tea is a bit more oxidised than green tea and has a unique flavour and aroma that excites the tea drinker. The essence and satisfaction after sipping oolong tea is more than any other tea!

So, whenever you get a question popped in your head about what is the best oolong tea for weight loss- redirect yourself to the website of Tea Swan!

What is the best oolong tea to buy?

When you tell someone to try the best oolong tea, the most common question people will counter you with is- “what is the best oolong tea?”

Like all other teas, oolong teas are available in the market at a wide range. In search of the best oolong tea, get yourself in the Tea Swan website! There is no chance being disappointed, instead let yourself get surprised by their collection of Oolong teas.

Some of the best oolong tea to find in their collection includes:

1. Giddapahar Wonder

Not to the surprise of any tea lover, Darjeeling tea is the King of the tea world! Having a variety of teas, oolong tea is one of the best and the finest product of the Darjeeling tea. Cultivated in the area of Kalimpong, this tea is been transported worldwide! It is an organic tea, which retains all its nutrients even after being packed. Be it in packs, potlis or tea bags, T-S-WING provides you with everything that you need.

2. Doke Rolling Thunder-

Just as the name, this oolong tea will give you a sense of satisfaction by infusing you with a wave of energy! Characterised by one of the prides of the Doke tea estate, this oolong tea is the perfect cup of tea for your afternoon energy booster. The bitterness, mineral notes and a roast taste of this best oolong tea is the ideal tea moment every tea lover craves for!

5. Organic Ekta Golden Emperor-

Coming straight from the terrains of Nepal, this premium oolong tea melts your heart like no other! Producing a light yellow colour and a spicy aroma while brewing it, a cup of this oolong tea will re-energize your body and lift up your mood the best way possible. Giving full value to its name, a few sips of this tea will make any tea drinker feel like an emperor! 

4. Assam Oolong tea-  

Assam smoked oolong tea is an unusual smoked tea that will have your heart in the very first sip! Coming straight from the terrains of Assam, it is also one of the organic teas. Assam tea has a speciality of having a charismatic flavour and an aroma that fills the air around you while making some tea!

How to make the best oolong tea at home all by yourself?

As much as it depends on the type of tea leaf, oolong tea also depends on the way someone is preparing it.

To get the best results for your oolong tea, follow the steps:

  1. Boil filtered water
  2. Put two tea spoon of oolong time in the water
  3. Steep it
  4. Before pouring into the mug, let it brew 
  5. Pour it in your mug and enjoy it!

Temperature of the boiling water

90-95 degree Fahrenheit

Steeping time

30 seconds

Brewing time

1 minute

When is the best time to drink oolong tea?

As all tea lovers know, there is no perfect time to drink tea! However, in certain circumstances, there are a few timings when drinking a particular type of tea is not advisable.

The best time to drink the best oolong tea is in the morning and before going to bed. 

The morning tea makes your digestive system work well and gives you fresh energy to start your day with your most favourite thing!

The tea before going to bed makes your body calm and manages your stress levels. Since the amount of caffeine in oolong tea is very less, it doesn’t cause trouble for sleeping.

Final Words

Tea is a companion for the tea drinkers! Tea lovers prefer to stick to one tea for the rest of their life. However, there is a percentage of tea lovers who love to go out and explore the best teas around the world. They visit a place and wants their tea to taste! The best oolong tea is found in its best way in the hilly areas where it is directly derived. The oolong tea preparation at home is one of the easiest yet the best way to get yourself refreshed. Go to your workplace or your gym and have a cup of oolong tea to cherish and relish your life happenings! So, don't delay and order your pack from the Tea Swan to have a taste of paradise at your home!
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